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La production finale du CD

Here! Now that we became aware of all the preceding steps, we are ready to reproduce CD. Was something forgotten?

Recalls of the steps of production of CD

  1. Do not forget to be informed of your royalties..
  2. Become aware of the steps of pre-production. They make it possible to save time, but especially money when come the time to make deal with a studio. An hour is quickly wasted and it is expensive! It's worthy to be prepared.
  3. Choose a recording method. Digital recording is the best.
  4. Equip yourself in computer software formixing to mix your tracks and correct sound errors.
  5. Create the disk case and graphics of the album before the mixing and mastering..
CD promotion Studio recording


  1. Don't forget to put the names of the artists on CD, just as the titles, the copyrights, name of disc, label, producer, etc.
  2. Try to find some way of promoting, like making a website with a biography section, some pictures and songs, etc.
  3. Contacting radio to make pubs can really help.
  4. Don't exaggerate at the time of the publication of CD. To start with 200 or 500 CD is already reasonable. Be careful with the deals when you buy in quantity.
  5. I hope for you that you will have thought of taking pictures at the time of the recording, it always makes images to furnish a site and to add pictures in the small pocket.

All right reserved , Les Productions @Botch, 2006